

Through our work, we are returning to business the values and ethical standards upon which it was founded: honesty, integrity, craftsmanship, rewards for productivity, commitment to the prosperity of entire communities and nations.

We are licensed by WISE International to use the administrative works of renowned author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard to use in organizational, professional and private endeavors. This is the product of more than three decades of research, piloting and codification, this body of knowledge is the world’s most comprehensive system of management and represents the first true technology of management.

It is our belief that our greatest assets are the uniform workability of L. Ron Hubbard’s organizational and management principles, and the dedication of our consultants. And so we are committed to our craft of improving the quality of life for all in the workplace and society in general.  

We welcome all who share in our commitment and dedication, to create a world where business is stable and expanding.

Meet Our Team 

Through our work we are returning business owners to, the values and ethical standards upon which it was founded: honesty, integrity, craftsmanship, rewards for productivity, commitment to the prosperity of entire communities and nations.

Sergio Mazarakis

Partner & Consultant

He has 10 years experience and more than 1000 clients in Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, of course Greece. Sergio has experience helping clients through various crisis like the Greek Debt Crisis.

Jean Gonzalves


Being a consultant with decades of experience in working with professional golfers all the way to working with heads of large companies, Jean is a specialist in executive coaching and consulting.

Paul Muller

With over 2 decades of consulting experience mostly in the telecoms industry, listing 2 companies on the JSE and even serving as the COO of VOX, Paul brings an wealth of experience to the group.

Marcel T. Wasserman

Founder & Consultant

The founder of Shepherd Consultants. Marcel started his first business at the age of 5 and has been studying business ever since. He specialised in financial, marketing and organisational consulting.

Waldo Jonker


Here we have a specialist in Management, execution, goal setting, strategic planning and sales training. Waldo also owns a property company and brings this knowledge to the group. 

Zwelakhe Mabece


A Management Accounting, Finance and Strategy professional with 20 years experience in the Sub Saharan Africa Petroleum industry. With extensive experience solving problems with executive teams and leading high profile strategic projects across the fuels value chain.

Chantelle Wasserman

Stability Executive 

A seasoned organisational administrator, capable of routing and handling the various particles of an organisation efficiently. In charge of Quality Control and Public Relations for Shepherd Consultants. Well versed in the Hubbard Technology.


Over the ages, man has perfected all sciences. To the point where even the power of the atom has been unleashed and harnessed for the use of man. So to has come the perfection of the science of business practice. It is no longer necessary to reinvest business practice with each new business one seeks to build but instead, it is necessary to employ the best practice of the science of business practice...

Mr. L. Ron Hubbard set about researching organizational and management principles and techniques. Poring through volume after volume of business texts he soon came to realize that no uniformly workable technology of organizations existed. While there were many successful activities, there was little in the way of proven techniques and principles which could be applied uniformly to all organizations. And so it was that he embarked on a path of organizational research which would parallel his spiritual studies for the next three decades.

Developing, piloting, fine-tuning and codifying procedures, Mr. Hubbard immersed himself into his most intensive period of organizational and administrative research. He developed the renowned seven-division organizing board, a breakthrough which expresses every basic function and the overall form needed to run and develop any organization.

With the organizational form in place, he then issued policy after policy on each of the functions and duties laid out in this organizing board. In 1965 alone, from his office at Saint Hill Manor, he penned more than 300 administrative policy letters.

All of these policies, more than 2500 of them, were issued in the encyclopedic volumes of the Organization Executive Course and the Management Series set, making them broadly available to all.



"It is with this technology that Shepherd Consultants are able to be the true craftsmen of business practice in this era." 

Marcel T. Wasserman, Shepherd Consultants Founder